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Logo-Reforming Technical Cooperation for Capacity Development

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Please Note

The studies are not self-contained but belong in a larger effort with multiple inter-linkages between studies and consultations, among various study topics. Study teams are thus expected to exchange views and notes on issues of common concern, to share questions and hypotheses with the wider constituency, actively participate in the electronic online discussions, participate in two roundtables (in July and October) and take into account information from those consultations on the country level, the electronic discussion and roundtables (see Annex 2 on process and time frame).

Authors need to ensure that all documentation produced is user-friendly, that it can be understood by the average interested reader, that it presents arguments in a clear and concise way, that technical terms and abbreviations are explained and jargon is avoided; the use of graphics, charts, and other illustrative elements is highly desirable.

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