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Logo-Reforming Technical Cooperation for Capacity Development

text version

Story line

An evolving “story line”

If a full story could be told at this stage the current effort would not be needed.

The story line explains why it is both timely and urgent to re-assess the role of Technical Cooperation in order to enable it to better serve its objective of developing indigenous capacities. It takes its departure from work carried out by UNDP in the early 1990s, especially Rethinking Technical Cooperation. It further provides background for three sets of questions concerning evidence of success and failure, reasons for a lack of readiness to change and alternatives and options for future Technical Cooperation practice.

These pages are a “work in progress”: they are both preliminary and hypothetical and will evolve as the project develops.

Success and failure
Ready for change?
Alternatives and options
Overview and process
Rethinking TC
Story line
Peer Review
Coordination team
Project documents
Progress and products
News and events
Further reading
Contact us