United Nations Development Programme Reforming Technical Cooperation for Capacity Development .
Partnerships to Fight Poverty
UNDP Reforming Technical Cooperation for Capacity Development
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Alternatives and Options

What are the promising alternatives to current practice?

How do we achieve not only new rhetoric but new practice? What are the options?

Please share your views and experiences! (thomas.theisohn@undp.org)

Your knowledge and experience about these issues will be posted on the Alternatives and Options bulletin board where they will be available for the electronic discussions and fed into the respective research.

Four focus studies will examine the experience and practice of Technical Cooperation from a "market" perspective, regarding sustainability in developing local capacity, the appropriateness of modalities and in terms of accountability. All of these studies will try to push further into the uncharted land that has become the development credo: "Sustainable development… must be locally owned."

What’s New on Alternatives:

The Terms of reference for these four focus studies are available for comment. Please click on the study links above or go to the focus study index page
We are searching for individuals to carry them out. Your suggestions